Monday, July 31, 2006
Funny... not
This is really funny. It's like I'm losing my memory. Ok, so that's not something new.... But it really bugs me everytime I want to pen something down I'm not able to. Either because I'm like stuck on the bus, or out running about, or I'm busy getting work done. And when I actually drag myself and sit myself in front of my mac, I have problems squeezing the thoughts out of my brain.. On a side note, yes, I am a proud owner of an iMac now... It's been what, more than a month now? and yet I've only uncovered a fraction of what it can do...

Anyway, as I was saying... What was I talking about? Oh, right, my thoughts. See, I can lose my train of thoughts so easily. The other day I was "cooking" my heat pad in the microwave and the stupid microwave doesn't have a digital timer, so I have to literally count the 2 minutes that it's supposed to "cook". I was just reminding myself of the time, since I was on the phone, that I shouldn't let it cook for more than 2 minutes. I was talking to my dad, you see.. And before I knew it, it was like, 20 minutes after I put it in the microwave!! But don't worry, I didn't set it for 20 minutes, goodness.. I just didn't know whether it was in there for 2 or 3 minutes.... Anyway, now I've decided that I shouldn't leave the microwave the next time for that 2 minutes. Because once I walk away, I may forget what I was doing... The number of things I forgot... gee, I think I can write a book on them...

Ok, let me get to the point here. (Actually I kinda forgot what I was going to note down, so... just whatever comes to my mind NOW) I was quite encouraged by the sermon on Sunday. It was great to have Rev. Eric back to preach after so long. Other than the reminder of the pressing need and the importance to come back to the word of God, he made a very good point that I thought was very helpful. One ways for us to keep in check with God's word is to make it a point to share what you have learned in the week with someone from say, your quiet time, or what has God spoken to you that week. It's like, spiritual exercise. That reminded me of what I was reading the week before, "how to maintain a healthy body" by Huang Sabin. One of the health principles: Physical exercise is helpful but spiritual exercise is crucial.

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present and the life to come." (1 Tim 4:8)

I guess it's a good indication of your spiritual health. If you have absolutely nothing to share for a long time, about what you have learned from the word of God, isn't that very alarming?? For a christian, I mean. Of course, that doesn't mean that you need to "force" something out to make you look like you've learned something, eh? I think it'll force us to think about things that we would otherwise not think about. But I must say it's difficult to do QT and journaling everyday. The more I do it, the more I realise there're some decisions I need to make, in order to make room for it. Come to think of it, it's pretty pathetic of how we spend our so called free time sometimes. There're 24 hours each day, and yet how often we actually pause and think about whether what we're doing actually make sense. Do I make sense?
posted by scatterbrain at 7/31/2006 11:26:00 p.m. | 0 blah blah..