Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Top 10....
Top 10 stuff I've experienced during the past few weeks...

1. Playing "catch phrase" with my family... highlights:
R: What's the thing that I'd do when I see a pretty girl walking down the street?
Me: Whistle?
L: What? You'd whistle???? R!!

2. Doing stuff for my family; massaging them, cutting nails for my parents, doing dishes.

3. Chatting and catching up with friends I haven't seen for a while and finding out what's going on in their lives; talking to people I've met for the first or second time or listening to stories about them. It's amazing how God works in the lives of people around us..

4. Finding out that an old friend of mine has accepted Christ.. one of the best news I've heard lately..

5. Walking around Vancouver and enjoying the scenery and the cold fresh air..

6. Watching my first ever NBA game live - Seattle Sonics vs Washington Wizards. It ain't easy being in the cheerleading team, man... They're really good, and energetic, toned and fit..

7. Christmas lights - some are captured in my camera but most aren't.

8. Meeting kids that are still little kids in my memory but have now grown way beyond recognition

9. Crying at the restaurant

10. Making my first ever cheesecake and short bread and ginger bread cookies; all under close supervision of course.. Actually I just did what I was told by the head chef, L.

11. Eating and lots of eating...including stuffing myself with Jap food.

12. Raining and lots of raining...

13. Driving and lots of driving and sitting in the car and waiting and playing alphabet games while waiting...

14. Sleeping and more sleeping...

15. Shooting and more shooting... I was absolutely disgusted to hear about the no. of shooting incidents in the past few weeks. It was something like an average of 1.5 shooting indicent over the span of 10 days!

16. Making my own cards until 1 a.m.

17. Sitting at a small and quiet cafe near the public libray, reading while enjoying a cup of tea..

18. Hanging out with my family..

19. Shopping at the outlets in Seattle..

20. Drinking chai tea made by L

21. Watching the different ways my family laughs, esp B.

So I didn't stop at 10. Top 21 then.. What's your top 10?
posted by scatterbrain at 1/04/2006 01:35:00 p.m. | 0 blah blah..
Sunday, January 01, 2006
And the story goes on....
As usual, I like to write something on significant day such as this. I was thinking, how interesting it is that we all celebrate New Year's Day at different time. You know, different time zone and all that. The countdown becomes rather insignificant when you think about it. But I guess everyone takes turn to celebrate. We each have our own time and place for just about everything that happens in life. Do you ever wonder what would it be like if we all live in the same time zone? I'm guessing it would be quite boring..

It's another struggle as I try to reflect on yet another year that's passed. What exactly have I done or achieved? Have I lived a life that's pleasing to Him? Have I tried to fit God in my life from the world's perspective? Have I been thinking too much but not doing?

I'm really thankful that I get to spend time with my family. Being apart from my family has helped me to love them more and I've realised that no matter what happens, they're irreplaceable. Although they can cause a lot of pain and tears, they can be irritating and annoying, they can be embarrassing, stubborn and pathetic, but at the end of the day, you realise that they're still your family after all, and that's the undeniable truth and it is by no accident that God's put them in your life.

There's something else I wanted to say, but I should go to bed. Less than a week left. I'm starting to panic. I haven't done what I was supposed to do.
posted by scatterbrain at 1/01/2006 04:38:00 p.m. | 0 blah blah..