Saturday, March 29, 2008
Today was one of those special day. A few of us volunteers rented a boat to go around Tonle Sap and we invited a few families to have dinner on the boat. Each family cooked a dish and we all shared the food. Although the view was not spectacular but it was really kind of nice. Nice and breezy. And I guess it's the company that makes all the difference. As I was coming back, riding at the back of the van with Ming Soram and Dotla and Nait and Niet, I couldn't help but thinking how fortunate am I, to be around with these lovely people. Everyday and each experience is different and I hope I treasure each one with care. Certain experience may never be repeated again...

This is also one of the nights that I experienced the worst of the Cambodian experience. My next door neighbour is having one of those "Bon" (a festival/party related to either cultural tradition or Buddhist ritual) and the music is SOOOOO loud that I think anyone that go near the house will suffer hearing damage to a certain degree. Unfortunately, my house is almost immediate next to the origin of the music. The music just seems so much louder than usual. It is almost insane. It's so loud that the glass door/window is rattling and shaking. It is like having your normal pub/discoteque next to your house, except that it's open air and you can hear every single song LOUD and CLEAR and the bass is so powerful that it feels as if your heart is synchronized to the beat. Quite appalling. This is the one thing that puzzles me the most. Why do Cambodians like their music to be blasted so loud like there's no tomorrow, at every wedding, funeral or party. One of the Cambodians told me that it's because they don't like to talk, so they have the music turned up really loud. Plus it'll cover the noises made by those who're drunk.

What a day mixed with both positive and negative experience. Sending off Apple and saying goodbye to her, shopping and preparing for the boat party in the evening and the boat party itself, and even though it really isn't pleasant to lose sleep over the incredibly loud music, I must say that it's been an incredible day.
posted by scatterbrain at 3/29/2008 10:04:00 p.m. |