Thursday, October 12, 2006
Was looking through my >1000 photos from my China/HK trip last month. Still haven't taken a close look at them yet, but I found some that I like... I love my new digital SLR!!

Took this way on the way to Causeway Bay, I think.

This was taken at 烏鎮. Fascinating. I wonder how they got the long cloth up.

I like the clarity of this photo.

This was taken at a shopping district called 夫子廟. Pretty pink.

Thought this was a sweet photo.. I've always liked to take pictures of people from the back. On a side note, can't believe my dad bought the hat for himself. Thought it was more of a woman's hat...

It cracked me up when I saw this. Maybe it was because they couldn't squeeze more words on the sign plate.

Took this at the Forbidden City. There's a Starbucks inside the Forbidden City by the way. Isn't that .... interesting?
posted by scatterbrain at 10/12/2006 10:53:00 p.m. | 3 blah blah..