Friday, March 23, 2007
These days just about everyone has a blog. Everyone. Ok, not EVERYONE but MANY. From young to old... I wonder if it's here to stay. I guess the internet is slowly becoming more than part of our lives. Instead of asking, "So, what is your address?" becomes "So, what is your blog address?" or, "Can I get your e-mail address?" After meeting up with friends whom you haven't seen for some time, the end of the meeting will probably go like this,

"Hey, let's keep in touch, ok? Give me your e-mail address. Oh, you have msn as well?? Give me that too! Oh, you do skype too? That's great!"

After exchanging all the e-addresses, you probably won't hear from him/her until... months later, or until the next time you meet, which could be years later... One will probably get a weird stare if he or she doesn't own an e-mail address. Can you imagine what would life be without the internet? Poor human beings, relying so much on computers, the internet and technology without pausing to think how much it has affected our ways of life. I am one of the willing "victim". These days I'd rather sms or msn friends than calling them. Sometimes when I talk to people on the phone, I don't quite know what to say, and I'd frantically trying to think of things to say to avoid the awkward silence. Sometimes when I meet people, I can't even hold a good long conversation without feeling like it's time for me to go, because I have something else to attend to.

Bottom line is, everyone is too busy. Busy with exactly what? I don't think I can answer that question very well myself.
posted by scatterbrain at 3/23/2007 12:05:00 a.m. |