Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It's January. I'm panicking. Only 3 more months left. Have I done what I set out to do? What really happened the past few months? All the memories seem to turn into one big blob and I have trouble remembering when and what happened. I really should blog more often, in case the "hard drive" of my memory crashes.

The above was written at the beginning of January. Fast forward and today is January 31, 2008. What happened?? Time sure flies when you're enjoying what you do. Sure it's not always rosy and nice, but the good always exceed the bad times. It's because of all the good and the hope that makes the bad more bearable, if at all considered bad.

Anyway.... I was hoping that I could make my time a little more memorable by posting weekly. I mean, some sort of memories since I don't exactly have too many pictures. There's just not many incentives to carry my big SLR around everywhere. Alas.... I just don't have the luxury of time to do that. Whatever......

The only real story I have for you today is that I managed to chip my tooth during .... guess what, dinner!!?? Not some major accident but because of a fork and greed for more yummy spring rolls. You can hardly blame me. We haven't had the spring rolls made by Ming Supian for some time. I think I must've had like, 6 pieces of spring rolls but no... I took a glance at the spring rolls on the table, and since just about everyone has eaten, I thought I might as well eat more and put more fat on my bum. So I took 2 more pieces and as I was happily eating away and chatting, I took a "heavy" bite and felt the "thud" on my tooth. I probably bit the fork at 90 degrees and somehow the force chipped a small portion of my tooth. Not too visible and you probably can't tell unless you look closely. Still... I kept playing with it and touching it with my hands. Natural reaction. Sort of. Ironically, one of the girls that I was chatting with broke/chipped her tooth before she came to Cambodia, and when I heard that, I was thinking... I wish I don't break any of my tooth anytime soon...

The moral of the story? Don't be greedy and pay attention to what you're biting into. Hahahahaha....
posted by scatterbrain at 1/15/2008 05:48:00 p.m. | 0 blah blah..
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Looking ahead...
It's funny. It's almost time for next year to arrive and I've yet to have enough time to reflect on what happened this year. When people say time flies... it's really not a joke. But actually time is innocent... it's just doing its job. Not moving any faster, nor any slower. It's all in the mind...

I must say though.... God's been incredibly good to me, and what a fantastic year it's been. He's given me much more than what I asked for.
posted by scatterbrain at 1/01/2008 12:41:00 a.m. | 2 blah blah..