Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Just a little bit more...
Just want to say a little bit more about the musical. Overall I found the acting better than what I expected. Needless to say, Cheer's portrayal of the blind girl was perfect, IMHO. Not only did she captured the essence and look of the blind girl in Jimmy's book, but also the vulnerability and fragility as well as the persistence and courage. I was a little worried that she was going to trip and fall over the platform (there was one scene at the beginning where she nearly tripped - I think that was real because her voice kind of faltered a lil). I guess it was quite tedious to see the surrounding clearly in sunglasses).

Usually the actions/expressions you see in plays/musicals are a lot more obvious/emphasized compared to say movies because it's difficult for the audience to see, I guess. But for Cheer, she was able to express herself in a quiet manner yet significant, which I believe came from her body language/movement and her voice, and not so much from her facial expression. Quite amazing, I thought. Maybe it's just me. =) It makes me wonder what kind of person is she. Some of the stuff that she wrote are rather intriguing.

Whereas the lady who portrayed the toy soldier/penguin provided comical relief and was probably the most memorable character next to the blind girl. Oh, and who can forget the cute inflated elephants! I was most impressed by the props and backdrop (how did they change the backdrop? Just by projector?? Cool), and the costume as well.

Hmm... think this is actually my first musical. Was always too broke to watch any musical when I was a student.

One last thing, my favourite song from the musical; love the lyrics, which was penned by Cheer herself. Fell in love with it the first time I heard it.

在空盪的廣場﹐ 在空盪的海洋﹐
時間來了﹐ 一個人走在一分鐘的漫長﹐
沉默來了﹐ 一個人偷走了一分鐘的光。
在空盪的廣場﹐ 在空盪的海洋﹐
在深夜的廣場﹐ 在嘆息的海洋﹐
誰代替我撫摸柔軟的海浪﹐ 代替我遺失的雙手啊。

posted by scatterbrain at 1/18/2005 01:15:00 p.m. |