Monday, May 09, 2005
I think....
my entries are getting too lengthy. It gives me headache. I should chop up my thoughts into pieces... and serve them intermittently...
posted by scatterbrain at 5/09/2005 11:06:00 p.m. |


  • At 3:00 a.m., Blogger min

    but why would waht you write give you a headache? normally i dun really read what i write...after the first reading of course. but if it's really long and confusing, it'll give the others who read it a headache...hee

    i guess not everyone has the luxury of putting down their thoughts whenever they want to...

    and then again, not everyone is that 'hardworking'

    sometimes, we think too much before we actually get things down...

    dun think toooo much lah...moderation...there's always difficulty exercising it i guess...

    hope i'm making 3am *sigh*

  • At 7:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous

    Is this after you watched the very impressive show Sunny Doll?? Heh.
