Saturday, September 03, 2005
Haven't been writing for quite some time now. Mostly because I really have nothing to write about. Sometimes my thoughts repeat themselves. I'd start writing about something and realised that I've written about them before then I stop. Think I'm starting to be a real boring person.

Seems to me all I write these days are technical stuff. Something like this, "The raw water is collected in a raw water tank and subsequently pressurised via the raw water pump into the multimedia filter for the removal of suspended solids present in the raw water. The filtered water then goes through the activated carbon filter for the removal of free chlorine and trace organics before it enters the RO system. The RO system......" Dry stuff. And now I'm becoming dry too. Writing too many sets of manuals that they all start to sound the same to me.

Maybe one day, I'll have something really exciting to say, like, "I've memorized the whole pack of my memory verses!", or, "Guys, check out my first Mac!", or, "Look at the huge bruise I have!", or, "Hye, I can run for more than 1 hour without feeling like I'm about to pass out", or, "Dude, I'm going to Sipadan, man..", or, "I'm going to Japan, folks!", or how about this, "Guess what, I'm finally getting married.." It's all about ME ME ME..... How boring. Maybe I should start writing about .... the world...
posted by scatterbrain at 9/03/2005 01:26:00 p.m. |


  • At 5:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous

    Chay ... if I wanted to know about the world, I'd read the papers or watch Discovery. Nopes. Wanna read about YOU. So forget writing bout the world! Keep writing bout yourself!

    Heh ... how ironic, kena spam by anti-spam site.

  • At 10:23 p.m., Blogger Gaizhi

    It's not what you write, but the fact that it is YOU who are writing that's the key. People read your entries not so much to know about the world but to know what YOU think of the world.

    What you think is a boring entry may be interesting to others. On the other hand, you may feel you'd written the best treatise in the world, but there'll be someone who thinks otherwise.

    So, just be yourself. Just post whatever you want whenever you want to. Leave the rest to, well, the rest.

  • At 11:53 a.m., Blogger scatterbrain

    Thank you for reading my boring entries.

  • At 11:34 p.m., Blogger Gaizhi

    No, I assure you, it's not boring. Otherwise, I won't be here.

    One of the truths I'd come to know about myself is "I do what is best for myself each and every time." If someone else is helped along the way, well and good. But the latter's never the intended goal in the first place. An accomplished fish monger, I am.

  • At 10:05 a.m., Blogger j

    gaizhi>don't think most would get that...if u noe what exactly i mean..

  • At 12:01 a.m., Blogger Gaizhi

    Well, you got it didn't you? So will your friends.

  • At 7:50 a.m., Blogger scatterbrain

    Err... actually I didn't get it. I'm not very good in understanding complicated stuff.... Heh.

  • At 12:12 a.m., Blogger Gaizhi

    It's not complicated. It's just not, direct. Think: what a fishmonger does. And twist it a bit for good measure :P.